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 Call or Text: 210.316.4973


Texas Rural Property

Tax Consultants LLC



Specializing in helping Texas landowners convert their Agricultural Valuation to Wildlife Management Valuation. 

Tel: 123.456.7890

1-d-1 Open Space

Agricultural Tax Valuation

The Property Tax Code allows that certain land be appraised based on its productivity value rather than market value.


In many cases, this appraisal technique substantially reduces the tax burden of land that qualifies.


1-d-1 Open Space Wildlife Management Tax Valuation

Now is a great time to convert from traditional Agriculture to the very popular Wildlife Management.


Under Wildlife Management, there is no need to build and maintain fences or purchase and care for livestock.


You can spend all of your time and energy enjoying your land and the wildlife on it.

Knowledge That Can Serve Your Needs

Our team consists of Licensed Property Tax Consultants and an Attorney at Law, who is Board Certified in Farm and Ranch Real Estate Law and Commercial Real Estate Law. As such, we are very familiar with the Property Tax Code, State Comptroller Administrative Rules and the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department standards regarding qualifying land for 1-d-1 Open Space, as either traditional agriculture or wildlife management. 

With Many Years of Experience, Our Team has the Knowledge and Expertise to Provide Professional, Accurate, High-Quality Service to our clients.

Regulated by the Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation

P.O. Box 12157 Austin, Texas 78711

1-800-803-9202, 512-463-6599 website:            

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